Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good morning

Some time has passed since my last entry here. I am recommitting to my upgraded conscious life! 

Zephaniah 3: "For then will I turn unto the people a pure language..."

Speaking a pure language (also called using conscious language- same thing!) comes from our hearts and may at first feel awkward and unsure. We all have been brought up in a society where language may or may not be followed by pure thought and action. Many times in my life, words sent to my ear were just words; mostly forgotten because of what followed. Now I can claim my pure speech and recommit to it as often as necessary!

During the last session of our conference calls, I heard a statement read from the book which was the biggest pivotal moment I had in this journey. Here is the statement:
(From pg 187 of the book)
If you were God, would you have created an outer Savior or an Inner Savior residing in the Heart of your Creation?

Wow. We were asked this question along with the other questions on this page in our last session:
If you could, would you be full of Faith, Trust, Confidence, Security, and Courage?
If you could, would you be a Realized Being of the most High Living God and Co-Create according to your Heart of Heart's desires blessing all life, including yourself?
If you were on with God, would you have come up with a Divine Plan awaiting discovery by your created son or daughter?
Would you have created a way back home through the illusion by using fear, doubt, and separation or Love, Faith, and Union?

For me, answering these questions truthfully from My Heart in a conscious, awake state really helped me see myself more clearly. At that time I thought that our saving grace was something outside of ourselves. I believed myself to never be good enough on my own and unless I connected with ________ outside of myself, then I would be lost, fallen, sad, and damned. Once I realized that I could claim my own power, I chose to. Now I know that the power of Christ is within rather than without.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Upgrade week!

I am so enthusiastic this week to focus clearly on one "I am" upgrade per day! Here they all are, laid out nicely:

  • Tuesday, September 7: I CAN!
  • Wednesday, September 8: I AM!
  • Thursday, September 9: I WILL! (As in, God in me Wills it so - now!)
  • Friday, September 10: I CHOOSE!
  • Saturday, September 11: I HAVE!
  • Sunday, September 12: I LOVE!
  • Monday, September 13: I ENJOY!

So far, everyday is living up to its theme! I was thinking about it on Tuesday and Wednesday, then I forgot about it for a couple days and then today I remembered to check back in on it mentally. Today is "I have" and you know what I have? Renters! Everything worked out perfect on my home situation! Hurray!

Yesterday was "I choose" and I had to choose how to proceed with the tricky situation that happened when our supposed renters realized they had longer on their lease and told me. 

Thursday was my dance class and that was definitely an "I will" day! I willed my class in action and it turned out awesome and I had success! I just know that God is all ready with our greatest good hooked up once we determine exactly what it is and demonstrate the faith necessary to receive it! I love dancing, and for a long time in my life I thought "I'll never be good enough" to teach it. But really, what a silly thing for me to think! I choose to know and remember my goodness! I am awesome!

Wednesday was "I am" day and I choose to remember my awesome examples here...

Tuesday was "I can" and very very stormy. This day we were planning to go look at homes for rent in our newly desired living location. Well, I know that one option was to "I can" about the storms. However, I chose to "I can" about what I do at home. I do have a young child and husband whose safety means a lot. Also, looking at homes while God is supplying us with an abundant down-pouring  of rain did seem to me - less than a great idea. So "I can(ned)" about looking at places online at home and communicating with our agent about what we desired.

I am very enthusiastic for tomorrow and Monday- "I love" and "I enjoy". I imagine them being the best days ever! Ya-hoo!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Awesome upgrades

I am writing today to give a basic guide to those of my readers who are interested in "playing the conscious language game"....basically experimenting in your life with words that match with your true heart's communication.

1. Cancel "don't", "won't", "can't", "shouldn't", "couldn't", "wouldn't", "didn't"...and all the "not" contractions you are currently using. Replace with what you choose, your heart's true message. Speaking about what is other than that will only take you further away from where you desire to be. Words move energy.

2. Upgrade process into outcome: cancel "try", "process", "struggle", and anything that means you or anyone has yet to choose- to making your choice (with your words). Any struggle, effort or process is a waste of time! Just be and choose your outcome!

3. Cancel "But"- replace with "And". "But" cancels everything that comes before it. If you have two truths to communicate that may be at odds with each other, first choose to connect them with the word "and" and notice how you feel. The energy of your words moves differently. Here is an example: "I really love you, BUT I just can't see how...blah blah babble babble...." Versus "I really love you AND I choose to understand you by hearing everything you have to say and calling for clarity whenever I require it."

4. Replace "want" and "need" with "desire", "require", and/or "choose". Both "want" and "need" mean "lack". Choose abundance! Exit lack mentality immediately!

5. Only speak what you choose- where you choose to move to- energetically speaking. When you hear your words taking you away from your desired outcome, STOP. Re-assess your words and cancel what you said, speak what you choose. Here is an example of this one:
"God wants us to want _____" upgrades through: God has no lack, no wanting, he is fulfilled and perfected already! God desires that we are abundant. Woah, wait...God has already seen to our abundance. Now my choice is to see my abundance and enjoy it! "I see and enjoy my abundance!"

Yay! Those are some awesome and fun upgrades that I empower you to move forward in life with! Namaste, Amen, and good tidings to you!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Patience returning

My husband and I had an interesting conversation last night. We were praying together for clarity and understanding and talking about spiritual matters.

I remember some of his words: "I think we are all dependent on God for everything that we require."

During last night's Mother's call, we talked about co-dependence. For those of you who are still choosing to know about conscious language and the domain of co-dependence, my simple definition is when we look outside of ourselves for happiness and/or approval before checking in with our own heart.

Back to last night's conversation... "Honey, what if a better way of saying it is: we are abundantly blessed in every way by all that God has already given us, and it is up to us to open our eyes up and see, and to open our hearts up to receive all he chooses to bestow us with."
"Well that requires a shift in my consciousness."
"Yes! It does."


I often hear this question directed at me: "How do you know?"

I know!

When I require more knowledge, I request!

"Knock and it shall be opened unto you."


I immensely enjoy this new upgrade:

I feel anger about .......
(you leaving my food I prepared out all night, choosing to read a book rather than clean up your mess, my backsliding into choosing less than my highest choice, etc)

I feel sadness when.....
(you forget to kiss me goodbye, you forget to honor our agreements, you forget all the time I spend in service that blesses you- preparing food, cleaning, watering our plants, etc.)

My loving spouse is enjoying his new upgrades as well! He says to me, "I apologize for my choosing to read instead of cleaning up my mess and I recommit to clean up any mess I make." "I apologize for forgetting to put away the food you spent a lot of time planning and preparing for us, I recommit to put our food away too."

My anger is immediately dissolved when he immediately owns his choice and recommits to his new highest choice! And we immediately express our love to each other in full alignment!


I know that I have great sovereignty returning, and great patience returning to me. I understand more about sovereignty with each conscious choice and as I speak with purity. And as far as patience goes, I admit to having clarity return to me about patience so I can fully enjoy seeing my heart embody patience. Because at this writing, I equate patience to waiting. And waiting is draining and life sucking! Waiting means I am not fully present and enjoying my abundant state! If you read this and already enjoy clarity on this issue, please send your words quickly!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Women empowered

I apologize to whoever is reading this blog of mine that I have been away from it for a little while. I recommit to posting once or twice weekly! I have ideas about what to post about often and then I get sidetracked and once I finally sit down to post I am still choosing to know which idea(s) to post about!

Well, first I choose to continue on a bit from last week's post. I have been dreaming, envisioning, praying all about my divine service to teach dance in my community. Hmm... cancel "teach" and replace with "facilitate"- which means "to make easy". Yes, I like it. Mmm. When I write about it, I am really expressing my deepest heartfelt feelings and desires. 

I am enthusiastic about women having fun again, and having fun with their daughters. If any of them had believed that all fun is now only allowed during playtime hours at home- then a great surprise is in store for both of you! Parenting can be fun, when you dance through life with your kids and husband around you- and with your community!

I know this is true because I have been dancing more and more at home with my son and my husband. He has much less dance experience than I do, but I think my sheer enthusiasm for music and movement rubs off on him more and more and now he is shaking his body with me more and more all the time! I love a good dance party! Especially in my kitchen!!


I now transition into a new topic. I dreamed the other night of something a bit unpleasant. I dreamed that I was outside at night walking around when I heard a woman screaming. I followed the noise and saw a shadow of a man raping this woman. She was screaming in horror and he was laughing horribly. I awoke from this dreaming panting and a bit on edge. Since I had that dream, I was able to contemplate what part of my consciousness it may have come from. I remembered reading in the first chapter of "Reclaiming our Health" (by John Robbins) this powerful passage:
"If we are to bring healing to ourselves, to our society, and to our world, we must regain respect for our bodies, and particularly for women's bodies, for it is women who are most devalued, and it is women in whose wombs and hearts future generations are shaped. The way we are each treated by our mothers and what they pass on to us is largely a product of the messages they have internalized. In a world where women are demeaned, all children inherit a legacy of alienation and dishonor."
Whoever is reading my words here, I command you to WAKE UP! Just like I did from my dream! It is time to reverse this horrible attitude society has about women and their value. Whether you are a man or a woman,  stand up for and love every woman in your life! You were brought into this life through a woman's body, nurtured by one from a young age. 

Sovereign and strong women naturally repel domineering and manipulating men. Enjoy this effect, and attract men who value your sacred femininity. Attract a man who holds your virtue in his highest regard as pure and sacred. We as women are here to shape the rising generations. It is of utmost importance that we uphold our great responsibility to nurture and be strong and sovereign as Goddesses to be!


Last night I saw "Alice in Wonderland" - the new one with Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, and Helena Bonham Carter. It was such a wake up for me! Alice is only 19 years old! And she slays the Jabberwocky! Dear Mr. Lewis Carroll- what is the jabberwocky? I know it has biting jaws and catching claws...Here is my translation: Jabber/wocky; jabber: nonsense, Babel tongue, words without meaning; wocky: walky, walking, moving forward.

Therefore, in my understanding the jabberwocky is about the nonsensical Babel tongue of words without meaning, without understanding moving forward. Alice slaying the jabberwocky means she is removing this force from her and everyone's lives. No more nonsense, no more babel-virus. No more babble without meaning. 

Only pure speech and great understanding from henceforth. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mother glow

This post is brought to you by the heart of mothers who really have a passion in life and are choosing to enjoy that passion throughout motherhood. My passion in life is in movement- I love stretching, strengthening, and moving my body to music. I am so blissed out when I am fully embracing my love of dance. When I was single, I went dancing and my favorite style was West Coast Swing. When the right song came on, and I fully enjoyed my partner's lead, I glowed. It is all very reminiscent of Stardust:
Remember how her light kept glowing when she was dancing?
And the captain said, "I know what you are"
This clip shows her glowing about half way through.

Anyway, there you have it. 
My love of dance makes me glow.

I think dance can bring families together. I think families can enjoy good music and dancing in their homes together rather than just sitting in front of the big screen every time they are bored. An occasional flick is fun, I agree. But if that is all the memories that a child has growing up....
Hmm I feel sad about that vision.

Vision transformation underway....
So instead 
I enjoy seeing families dancing with each other, and without much talk at all- being present with each other through dance and movement. And I love my vision. I love my dance and music.

What are some songs and groups who inspire you?
I am enthusiastic for your responses!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Love and Light

I am a person who enjoys living life moment to moment in doing what feels right in my soul. 

As a child, this meant dancing, climbing trees, enjoying nature, exploring hidden places, meeting new people, seeing talents and gifts, sharing my talents and gifts freely, and embracing every moment in entirety.

As a young woman this meant exploring relationships, expressing creativity, loving friends, caring for children, playing, learning, exploring, honing skills, and preparing for my young adulthood years.

When I became a young adult, 
my experiences were a foundation for continuous forward movement.
 I put together pieces from those years into one. 
My creativity fused with my ability to love my friends and relationships
 and I explored connective dancing- also known as social dancing. 
From this I learned how every truth is expressed
 with every energy in a dance partnership. 
Some partners demanded my response with their 
energy I felt through our connection, some were so gentle
that I required to close my eyes to enable myself to feel the subtle 
requests for my movement expression.
Every skill I learned to bring me abundant supply
 (mainly being: typing at the speed of light) 
was what I did to support myself
 in learning dance connection with a partner. 

In college I explored marriage and family partnerships
I learned about child and human development from the womb
to the elderly aged. I explored languages and linguistics-
I dabbled in English phonetics, syntax, semantics, morphology, and grammar.
I spoke basic Spanish and Portuguese with fun and ease.
I even explored Sign Language- Language plus movement!! Yes, my 
memories are only joyful when I think of these experiences!

Now I have my divine partner
I have my sweet child
I have mortgage and bills to pay
and a great passion for dancing, loving, relationships, and families.

Now I have conscious language hooked up
and am upgrading daily each decree
and I spent the weekend with my conscious community
upscaling our agreements, words, decrees

I am a powerful force
of love and light
within my family
and my community!!!!

(angelic applause commences)

My heart sings

My heart is full of joy and I am learning to receive with my even more fully open than I ever thought possible. 

I feel God's great love 

in abundance 

pouring over me

like the rain

as it pours

over the earth.

It wakes up

hidden life within

everywhere it touches.

And everywhere I am touched by God's love that I am open is a great blessing into my heart and soul.  
And I receive it with ease and comfort.

My highest choice is to open up, receive God's blessings, 
feel greatness, joy and abundance, and become as He is. 

I see all opportunities in my life, 
in my visions,
my memories, 
and at every moment
as great blessings
to awaken my soul
to greatness
I am that I am.

We are all "I am" beings. 
Christ showed us the way.
I am one in his glory
when I embrace
I am that I am.

I love, Love, LOVE this!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Vote victory

I am most enthusiastic for this month, and especially this weekend. First, it is my birthday month- so automatically it brings me joy! Second- it is going to be the best birthday ever! Because I am going to do THIS just a few days after my birthday!! I had my picture taken yesterday! It will be such a cosmic shift for me to see my eye up close and then be able to make my nutritional upgrades, and consciousness shifts to bring back light, clarity, and brilliance to areas of darkness, cloudiness, and weakness.

Last night was our free intro session with Bob Stevens at the beautiful and most fabulous New Earth Center in Austin Texas. We learned about how iridology has evolved to such a great level that now we have an amazing eye map (you will see in the enclosed link above!) to bring awareness into EVERY SINGLE strength returning, everything shows up in the eye! Imagine that instead of going to the doctor and having to tell him everything you experience and after half-listening (much of the time) he gives you a go to Bob, who takes a picture of your eye, asks you a few questions, and cosmically changes your life forever because EVERYTHING shows up! No doc necessary! YAY!

And while I say this, I recognize the wonderful loving things many doctors are doing for people to help them function in many of life's greatest activities. I especially call out my highest love to Denise, who teaches women to breastfeed that come to her clinic! Yeah, you rawk!! More doctors should follow her path, I think!

Wow, and today is our class about Discovering Your High Agreements. I am so happy about this class tonight! I am happy because speaking of anything that happens- either between two people or an existing habit for one person is most simply stated as as AGREEMENT! For example, previously in my life I chose an agreement (less than fully consciously) that my worth and value depended on what other people said to me, how they "reacted" to me, how they treated me, etc. Now my agreement is that my best friends and most loved ones LOVE ME when I am true to my heart and share that in full truth and abundance. When I come to sharing it, and if I see those people I once called "friends" less than fully excited about me living truthfully and from my heart, then I know I have more exciting and abundant friends to find who I connect to with ease, comfort, and love!

I discover more of these people everyday when I do what I love. I met some of them on Thursday, I met more of them yesterday. I spent time with all of them during these amazing events. They are my conscious community, they are my friends. I am theirs fully in voting victory! Wow! I am most enthusiastic and happy to share in experiences with my friends! I am happy and most enthusiastic to share my feelings and words here for my friends to read and vote my victory on.

What does it mean to vote victory you ask? What does it sound like to you? You already know the answer! VOTE VICTORY!!! Right now, by clicking below!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My upgraded speech

Wow, I have many blog posts to do today! I am choosing to start here because I will require to begin thinking in my new conscious language and writing it! First, this month is looking to be a busy one! I originally imagined myself blogging on here about twice a week. I see this month as a series of re-commitments to do that! I feel blessed with my abundantly active and productive status now. I am also blessed to be awakened to my highest choices on a daily basis! I see my awakened state leading others into their own awake state!

This week's call was even more enjoyable for me and I see them getting better every week as participants are becoming more enthusiastic about it and doing their upgrades. Also we enjoyed looking at some upgrade opportunities in some basic "Babel tongue" statements. This was really helpful and I look forward to continue doing it in the future both in the group and in my family.

I shared about becoming more conscious this past week with using the words of separation, "it" "the" "those" "that", etc...."T" words usually are what create that feeling of separation. In Bob's classes he frequently enjoys having everyone repeat "the money" and then "my money" over and over again. Eventually each person has a breakthrough experience where they realize how much more they enjoy saying "my money" than "the money"!!! I sure do! And I enjoy being connected to my friends, family, and associates by upgrading "T" words to "my" "your" "our" etc. I am just now reawakened to the my awareness about grade school and being taught "pronouns" and how much difference the my experience will now be when I am teaching my children and possibly my community's children about "pronouns"!!

Okay I am happy to move onto my next thought. Being present is also an upgrade that I am choosing to fully realize in my communication. And again my thoughts are directed back to school where we all have memories of being taught about how to use past and future tense verbs to describe past and future events. So I require to address this in my mind about how I fully enjoy my present awareness and state of conscious communication. I am thinking about how using cross-outs rather than deleting my less desirable words is likely a cue for readers who are still choosing to know more about this. I see me doing both cross-outs and saying exactly what I choose in the present tense in my blog posts. I enjoy my blogging and how it uplifts my readers!

As far as past and future speaking is concerned, if I speak something with past or future tense attached to it, I choose afterwards to say "cancel clear" and then speak it truthfully in the present. Because truthfully, our only existence is "here and now". "In the past" and "in the future" are only statements that take us away from "now". I love reading in Conscious Language about how Bob studied the Hopi language and there really is nothing in that tongue that means "now", nor are there words to take the speaker/listener to the future or past- away from "now" or "the present moment".

I enjoy exploring and focusing on how I communicate these concepts with my new upgrades. Here is a great example from last night. My sweet husband said to me "I wish, or desire...however you say it right...that you would always wash your dishes off and put them in the dishwasher." I have many memories of him saying this to me. Last night I replied with: "So you enjoy seeing a clean and empty sink because I choose to put my dishes in the dishwasher?" And he looked up at me and smiled. What a "hurray!" moment!

Here is another upgrade opportunity we are exploring together.
"I feel like you...."
If I choose to start a sentence with "I feel" then my next word choice requires to be a feeling!!! So we enjoy our new upgrade opportunities which include:
"I feel sad about hearing you say ______________ "
"I feel anger when I see _____________"
"I feel fear when I think _______________"
"I feel apathy toward _________ because I see _________"
In all honesty, "apathy" is hardly escaping my tongue anymore! I am laughing to myself now.
Here are some positive expressions:
"I feel happy about my vision of us choosing true and conscious communication with each other."
"I am immensely enjoying your arms wrapped around me and how I feel as you hold me like this."
"I am ecstatic to come home and see our house clean and tidy!"

Some of these upgrades call to my attention the requirement we also feel to only speak what we choose to be manifest in our lives. Speaking about anything other than that is really less effective for us!! I choose effectiveness! I choose to love my spouse and to receive his loving kindness! I choose to see my highest choices now and continuously! I choose to see my abundance!

My opportunities (once called "homework") this week include changing my voicemail message and doing 5 things that I "don't want" to do. I did one of them yesterday and now I know how powerful this will be for me! Hurray!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My wish fulfilled

I have experienced some major transformations lately. I felt the energy cycle of my previous language patterns stronger than ever over the past week. I had a great and horrible experience several days ago that involved me letting go of "couldnts" "should haves" and my feelings of guilt and shame about myself as a mother, and my mother. It was horrible because it involved the physical manifestation of letting go by vomiting out my entire (once delicious) dinner and blood!! I choose to add to this that vomiting has been a (very) less than desirable event my entire life and I have spent so much time and energy prohibiting myself from vomiting in the past. (cancel-clear-there is no past-there is only NOW!)

I choose to make this fun and easy, and breathe in and out my highest choice everyday with grace and ease. 

I made this choice previously, and often people choose this path with as much consciousness as they currently are embracing- which is less than they are conscious of!! Me included, embarrassment is "other than" required! So because of all this, I went about choosing less than my highest conscious language choices for a few days. And it was different than before, because this time I became conscious of what my higher language choice was. And not only that, but I saw my worst outcome fulfilled rather than my greatest outcome! WHAT? CANCEL CLEAR!!!

I choose to speak only what I desire to bring into manifestation now and continuously! 

In our phone conference this week, we spoke about decrees and how everything we speak is a decree- and the more feeling that we speak it with, the quicker it comes into physical matter. In other words- IF IT MATTERS TO US, IT TURNS INTO MATTER!

I just love the ah-ha's that I am receiving through this study and through watching Bob's DVDs with my group! It is absolutely fascinating, empowering, uplifting!

Our exploration we reported this week was about imagining/feeling our wish fulfilled with imagination activation. We had a super conscious mom guest speaker, Erin, who shared how she uses imagination activation with her 12 year old son to assist him in seeing his highest outcome fulfilled and feeling it! It is super empowering to us beginner moms and moms to be to hear about super moms who are using these tools with their children and discovering amazing experiences with them together. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing her stories and experiences.

We also discussed new words to use when we are tempted to speak "its hard" or "there are so many problems to fix". One of our moms enjoys using the word "challenge" rather than these other options and Krystalle enjoys upgrading to "opportunities". This always makes me laugh, in a good way when I hear this. Imagine if instead of someone speaking their "problem" as this: "My son and I struggle with communication and connection"....WE NOW HAVE them speaking their "opportunity for growth" as "My son and I have great connection returning to us and even more enhanced communication". 

AH HA! Now we are seeing our desired outcome fulfilled! Yes!

Another part of our discussion that I enjoyed was about Bob Steven's study of the Hopi language (spoken about in the book we are studying). They have no words for "past" "future" or "now" because all of them are irrelevant. The only thing that exists is NOW and if we always know that then there is no requirement to come back to now from the past or go away from now into the future. We only imagine our outcomes and work towards their fulfillment!

I think one of our greatest challenges as Mothers choosing to upgrade with Conscious Language is being. Rather than telling others what to do, be, choose- like we tend to be accustomed to. If we are radiant warm examples of what we choose for our partners, children, and communities to embrace...then how much greater is our power to transform them into all of our highest outcomes/choices! 

I choose to finish with this great inspirational quote from our Conscious Language book:

The way we glorify our creator is by living abundantly in joy and health with our beloved"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Conscious Language skills and Bear Scouts

Last night I had a chance to put my conscious language skills to work. I was recently given the opportunity (and responsibility) to spend 2 hours with the local bear scouts every Tuesday night (except next week, heh heh). We had four scouts last night, which was one more than we had the last two weeks. These boys are about 9 years old and each one adds an incredible amount of energy that sometimes requires some harnessing. So we require to use our language in the quickest, most effective way to obtain results. Otherwise we will have escapee scouts running around the church!

So I chose to create statements in the affirmative that were short and to the point. The boys desire to participate successfully and so these statements are crucial in getting through our planned activities and teaching experiences. Last night we were learning how to tie all those fun knots. Turns out that one of the boys already knew how to do them and he was teaching us! But the boys who were still learning kept getting distracted and so I and my co-leader used these statements:

"Everyone sit in their chairs" .....rather than..... "Don't run off!"
"Focus on your own rope and knots" .....instead of ...."Don't grab Johnny's rope!"
"Stand on this black line, behind each other" .......rather than........."Stop running around!"

One thing I ran out of space and time to speak about in my last post was our challenge to use Imagination Activation. This process allows us to visualize our highest outcome fulfilled before we even begin the process of obtaining that outcome. Becoming successful at implementing this into my life is going to mean that my usual way of just "shooting from the hip" or going by whatever inspires me will evolve into a set of plans with my outcome already envisioned and enjoyed by me. When I see my outcome, my feelings and energy becomes different because now the story I am telling myself in my head has that outcome already in it. So now I am going to use imagination activation with scouting.

I imagine that I have a great connection to my bear scouts. I see them respecting my wishes as I use conscious language approaches. I see them waving at me when they see me during our church meetings. I see them coming up to me and my co-leader and telling me their stories. I see them growing into responsible young men. I see them demonstrating love and respect to the women in their life as they grow into adults. I see them choosing women who communicate clearly and speak consciously as friends and partners. I see them raising children consciously and teaching them with love and consciousness.

By the way, did you know that IMAGINE = I AM A GENIE  ? ....Hee.... hee

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2nd meetup

Last night was our 2nd meeting (phone conference) for our meetup group. If you desire to join, leave a comment and I'll be in touch. Krystalle requires that anyone desiring to join later into the group listen to the previous sessions before joining in on the live calls. Anyway, there were four of us participating last night. I am glad the group was small to start because we each were able to share stories without any fear of monopolizing others time. I think everyone spoke when they desired to/had something to say and felt very heard and loved by the group. Three of us were in various parts of Texas and one was calling from California.

We are going through the Conscious Language book about 12 pages at a time and discussing it in a group and sharing our personal experiences with each other. It meant so much to me last night when I shared to feel the love coming back every time I shared by the words and reactions of the other participants. Today in my blog post I will share with you the things that really grabbed my attention and that I felt inspired by.

One big shift that is occurring for anyone who is upgrading with Conscious Language is coming out of the belief system that if I win, it means someone else loses or vice-versa and changing that win-lose scenario into win-win beliefs. Here it is better said as "when I transform my inner reality to abundant thinking and feeling and acting, it benefits my entire community (and world)"! Krystalle described how she kept coming back to this realization. And it is a big deal for me to think about to. When I am making my highest conscious choice about where to live, and how I share my gifts with others, and who I serve by sharing my gifts, it is the greatest benefit for everyone- and creates win-win all around.

Another big shift is the realization (by the way realize = real eyes) that I came into my family on purpose and was received by many with joy and gratitude. The thing about the past is that we can rewrite it. Sure, what happened,  happened. But the story we tell ourself is very changeable!! There may be events in our childhood which memories deny us from thinking or feeling the full love of all when we came into this world. We can choose to transform that.

I think about when I gave birth to my son and what I went through before, during, and after. I think of how I prayed for so long for and regarding the children that would come to our family. I think of all the conscious choices I made about how my son would come into this world. I think about who was there to support me and how they supported me. I remember his sweet face shortly after he was born and how very alert he always was, even from day one. He is so big now, and this was only 7 and a half months ago! My greatest desire about this all is that he sees that we did plan for him with full consciousness and receive him with great joy at the time of his birth.

The next big conscious break through we talked about was how intense negative emotions have a huge amount of the opposite positive emotion pushing them up and waiting to come forth and express. Here is what happens in transmuting our emotions:
Anger/hate transmutes into forgiveness and loving action
Fear/doubt transmutes into faith and courage
Sadness transmutes into extreme joy

As we were discussing fear and doubt I chose to share a recent experience that I had. My beloved and I recently decided that we would begin reading Harry Potter together. So we are starting with book one. We do this instead of watching TV or playing the Wii. Actually it is quite unifying for us because we go to the same place as we read. But anyway, the other day I was reading the part in the story where Harry is taking his journey to Hogwarts and his aunt and uncle drop him off in between platforms 9 and 10 and he has no idea how to get to platform 9 and 3/4. He asks people and they all think he is bonkers. He feels fear and doubt about this whole journey and path. Is it real? He is wondering. 

As I read this part of the story, I felt such a connection to it that I began to tear up and cry as I read it. Because I am Harry...standing in between platforms 9 and 10 and wondering how to get to platform 9 and 3/4!! He was looking for his people- the people that "got him" and knew who he was and what he was there to do. That is just like me! I have been looking for the people that "get me"- I call them "my people". Now all I have to do is square my shoulders, grab firmly onto my cart and run like mad at the brick wall!! Then the real journey begins!

Much of the time for us as moms, our feelings might get repressed and disallowed to express and be heard. This can translate into a whole bunch of symptoms but I'm more here to rather than what all those are- just that it is important we hear and feel what is in us. Be present with your feelings and allow yourself the time and space to feel them. Yeah, let your kids see you cry, if that is what it means. It might be a nice change for them to see their parent finally expressing their feelings freely. Then they will feel safe to express theirs. 

Sorry if that translated into "preachy" for anyone. Maybe I'm choosing to include it here because I require to acknowledge my emotions more fully and take action when they come up. Things get hard when I choose not to choose, to just "let things happen". Because then the control is out of my hands. Sometimes the control is better off in my hands and then I receive my ease and comfort that I was missing out on.

I was just doing my Bodyflow workout and one of the tracks for this latest release features Leona Lewis's song "Happy" and one of the oft repeated lyrics in it is "So what if it hurts me...?" And my whole experience doing my workout came from being slightly repressed to being fully present. Because in doing it, I felt the sadness of having that blessing to share with others without a regular class to share it with. And I know that people enjoy my classes because when I am at the gym people come up to me and tell me they enjoyed me when I subbed for so and so in the past. And that is what hurts right now. My blessing being rejected or "not chosen" by my manager to be a part of the fitness program at the gym. Some of the people remember me from teaching a class almost a year ago!

I chose to go back and listen to that song a few times and wow it really is incredible. I feel inspired to perform a dance to its lyrics. I think that is where I conclude my remarks for today. See you next time!

Love Trish

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My mothering thoughts

I intend for this post to be more about mothering topics rather than languaging topics, just as a heads up. But I will see where my thoughts are drifting to with my writing. First, some history.

For such a long time in my memory all I see is my aspirations to become a mother. I spent so much time watching my three younger siblings that I practically felt like I was their mother and that I had amazing mother experience. Turns out that older sibling experience and mother experience are their own two types of experiences.

I thought that in college I should just do what was fun for me, or what would get me a decent job, or whatever interested me that I could look into more if my aspiration to be a mother took longer than I thought. So I took a variety of, dance, languages, karate, TESOL and linguistics classes (to name a few)...but I kept my main focus on anything related to marriage and family. Because I thought that I would find the "right man" one day and marry him and have his babies and care for them while he worked to support us.

Now I am living that previous wish fulfilled and find that I have other aspirations besides always mothering and "wifering". My passions are begging me to unleash their power because I realize that by and large no one else is doing these things and the effect of my dreams fulfilled is going to be enormous.

And I also have to say that my passions coming back have nothing to do with the quality of my relationship with my husband and son or their ability to "fulfill me" as some might think of it. They are both wonderful human beings. My son is as cute as humanly possible and is always so sweet. Sometimes he'll keep looking at me until he can get me to smile. He must sense it when I am feeling sadness. It amazes me how observant he is, even just being so small and young. He was born on the day of "Larger than life" though...according to Anyway and my husband is always striving to be the absolute best he can be. He provides a physical comfort when I require it, he always knows what the "right thing" to say is in any given situation. Also he is voting my victory to channel the true creative force inside of me and fulfill my highest choices and life callings.

Being a wife and mother is a wonderful thing to be. And I think for me, to feel fulfillment as a creative force of healing to others that my roles as wife and mother are only going to be enhanced. So I look forward to this journey of using my positive energy and love of movement to bless others, including my husband and son.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our first meetup

Hello! My name is Tricia and I am a mother of one little boy who is now seven months old. I have been studying Conscious Language: The Logos of Now for a few months and participating in this upgrade of language and life with my dear husband. I am participating in a study group for mothers who are choosing to become more conscious in their language (as well as other women who are preparing for motherhood or in mothering other children).

This is a group that is meeting physically in person (in Austin, Tx) and is also being shared through a conference call so that many mothers can participate from home. If you desire to participate, please email The calls are held on Monday evenings and the investment in a Conscious Language book (linked above) is required.

My hope and faith are that this blog will soon bring many participants who are enthusiastic in sharing their experiences with using conscious language in the family unit. I personally enjoy blogging to express my thoughts and see them in the physical form of words. I invite any study group participants to participate in this blog through creating their own posts as they feel desirous to and commenting to continue the maternal love outstretched to me and each participant.

Today I will be short in my topic. I choose to speak about the concept of using "strengths returning". Our greatest weakness shall be our greatest strength. So rather than speak and think of my weaknesses as my limitations, I think of them as strengths returning. I heard this concept in full integrity last night on our conference call as Krystalle spoke with feeling about each requirement she had to make the event extremely successful. When I perceive weakness in others, I see myself considering what strength they have returning.

For example, my sister struggled with creating balance in her life and I told her that great balance was returning. My son struggled to find peace and serenity during nap-time and I spoke the words, "You have great peace and serenity returning". Now he is asleep and I have peace too. When I am confused or I see someone who is confused, they have great clarity returning.

It reminds me of Harry Potter's journey of having "something dear to him taken away" from him and his journey to go and get it back. That is one important concept for us in this life to understand. See what things are returning to you and make the journey to get them back.

For me personally I have great clarity in my life's purpose returning, I have great influence returning, and I have great prosperity returning to me. What do you have returning to you?