Saturday, September 4, 2010

Awesome upgrades

I am writing today to give a basic guide to those of my readers who are interested in "playing the conscious language game"....basically experimenting in your life with words that match with your true heart's communication.

1. Cancel "don't", "won't", "can't", "shouldn't", "couldn't", "wouldn't", "didn't"...and all the "not" contractions you are currently using. Replace with what you choose, your heart's true message. Speaking about what is other than that will only take you further away from where you desire to be. Words move energy.

2. Upgrade process into outcome: cancel "try", "process", "struggle", and anything that means you or anyone has yet to choose- to making your choice (with your words). Any struggle, effort or process is a waste of time! Just be and choose your outcome!

3. Cancel "But"- replace with "And". "But" cancels everything that comes before it. If you have two truths to communicate that may be at odds with each other, first choose to connect them with the word "and" and notice how you feel. The energy of your words moves differently. Here is an example: "I really love you, BUT I just can't see how...blah blah babble babble...." Versus "I really love you AND I choose to understand you by hearing everything you have to say and calling for clarity whenever I require it."

4. Replace "want" and "need" with "desire", "require", and/or "choose". Both "want" and "need" mean "lack". Choose abundance! Exit lack mentality immediately!

5. Only speak what you choose- where you choose to move to- energetically speaking. When you hear your words taking you away from your desired outcome, STOP. Re-assess your words and cancel what you said, speak what you choose. Here is an example of this one:
"God wants us to want _____" upgrades through: God has no lack, no wanting, he is fulfilled and perfected already! God desires that we are abundant. Woah, wait...God has already seen to our abundance. Now my choice is to see my abundance and enjoy it! "I see and enjoy my abundance!"

Yay! Those are some awesome and fun upgrades that I empower you to move forward in life with! Namaste, Amen, and good tidings to you!

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