Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our first meetup

Hello! My name is Tricia and I am a mother of one little boy who is now seven months old. I have been studying Conscious Language: The Logos of Now for a few months and participating in this upgrade of language and life with my dear husband. I am participating in a study group for mothers who are choosing to become more conscious in their language (as well as other women who are preparing for motherhood or in mothering other children).

This is a group that is meeting physically in person (in Austin, Tx) and is also being shared through a conference call so that many mothers can participate from home. If you desire to participate, please email The calls are held on Monday evenings and the investment in a Conscious Language book (linked above) is required.

My hope and faith are that this blog will soon bring many participants who are enthusiastic in sharing their experiences with using conscious language in the family unit. I personally enjoy blogging to express my thoughts and see them in the physical form of words. I invite any study group participants to participate in this blog through creating their own posts as they feel desirous to and commenting to continue the maternal love outstretched to me and each participant.

Today I will be short in my topic. I choose to speak about the concept of using "strengths returning". Our greatest weakness shall be our greatest strength. So rather than speak and think of my weaknesses as my limitations, I think of them as strengths returning. I heard this concept in full integrity last night on our conference call as Krystalle spoke with feeling about each requirement she had to make the event extremely successful. When I perceive weakness in others, I see myself considering what strength they have returning.

For example, my sister struggled with creating balance in her life and I told her that great balance was returning. My son struggled to find peace and serenity during nap-time and I spoke the words, "You have great peace and serenity returning". Now he is asleep and I have peace too. When I am confused or I see someone who is confused, they have great clarity returning.

It reminds me of Harry Potter's journey of having "something dear to him taken away" from him and his journey to go and get it back. That is one important concept for us in this life to understand. See what things are returning to you and make the journey to get them back.

For me personally I have great clarity in my life's purpose returning, I have great influence returning, and I have great prosperity returning to me. What do you have returning to you?


Krystalle and Arttemis said...

Thank you for your insightful post, Tricia! I enjoyed our call yesterday and I am enthusiastic about our Conscious Moms study group. Your blog is a wonderful tool for our group; I see us communicating and sharing our inspirations with each other as we study and explore our Conscious Choices!

I have great trust in my feelings returning. I have my patience returning. I have my coherence between my feelings and my outward expression and communication returning.

I remember I can only feel as much sadness as I have already felt joy; as much faith and courage as I have felt fear; as much anger as I have already felt love. Some days I remind myself how much love I have already experienced. Then I remember I can choose to have my great amounts of love and patience any time I choose. I must choose my love.

I breathe. God is my inspiration.
I touch my feelings.
I love me and my life, including my beloved and my family.
I stay connected with my Source - my God, and I stay in my own experience.
I feel my feelings.


Amy said...

I have to tell you first, you always impress me. Second, I will probably just lurk this blog, because honestly, I am lost and only know what you are talking about half the time. But I still enjoy reading it. So, yay for Lurking! ;)